Level designer, Mechanic designer, Game designer
Ragnarok focuses on the solvation of puzzles to further the player through the game. These puzzles range in difficulty and can be solved by the player alone or with the use of an acquired item from a prior dungeon.
As a game designer I was able to plan out the mechanics in google docs and prototype them in there own block out scene. We documented everything in a single document that involved design pillars, game information, mechanics and scene information. Then using the Unity engine editor we created our mechanics in our own prototype scenes that could be explained though examples.
After we created our mechanics in our own prototype scenes and documenting them in our game design document we turned into level designers and blocked out our levels using Probuilder and Umodeler. We made the player experience a mechanic every 10 seconds and used IPM(Introduce, Practice and Master) to add our mechanics to our levels. Then we also used our puzzle design skills to create puzzles for our mechanics together which improved the player experience.
This game was created using a two man team.